Woocommerce Snippets

Add Handling Fee to certain shipping method in Woocommerce
You can achieve this by adding a custom function to your WordPress theme's functions.php file. This...
Hide a specific shipping method in Woocommerce when Free shipping is available
In Woocommerce if you want to hide a specific shipping method (identified by its instance ID) when the cart total is...
WooCommerce - redirect to previous page after login
This code snippet uses PHP sessions to store and manage the referring URL (referer URL) when a user attempts to log i...
Woocommerce - Set the order status to "completed" after a successful payment
In WooCommerce, you can use WordPress functions to set the order status to "completed"</stro...
Redirect to Checkout When Product is Added to Cart
To redirect to the checkout page immediately after a product is added to the cart, you can use the woocom...
Hide Shipping Address at Woocommerce checkout
Here's how you can do it: Hide Shipping Address at Checkout: To hide the shipping ad...
How to remove the Reviews tab from WooCommerce product pages
To remove the "Reviews" tab from WooCommerce product pages, you can use a code snippet in your theme's fu...
Woocommerce quantity suffix php snippet
This code snippet adds a custom text "kg" after the quantity input field in WooComm...
Display WooCommerce payment method only for admin users
This code snippet is a WordPress / WooCommerce function that hides the Unicredit payment method on the frontend of th...
Validate mobile number format for Woocommerce checkout
This code snippet is a Wordpress / Woocommerce PHP function called validate_mobile_number() that validates a mobile p...