Did you know that, you can use JavaScript to interact with Python code via a technology called WebAssembly. WebAssembly allows you to run high-performance languages like C, C++, and Rust in web browsers. You can compile your Python code to WebAssembly using tools like Emscripten or Pyodide and then use JavaScript to interact with the Python functions.

Here's a simplified example using the Pyodide library:

Include the necessary scripts in your HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- https://websitefunctions.com -->



  <title>Python in HTML</title>

  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/v0.18.0/full/pyodide.js"></script>



  <h1 id="output">Waiting for Python code execution...</h1>


    languagePluginLoader.then(() => {

      // Execute Python code


        name = "John"

        output = f"<h2>Hello, {name}!</h2>"



      // Retrieve the output from Python

      const outputElement = document.getElementById('output');

      const output = pyodide.globals.get('output');

      outputElement.innerHTML = output;






Serve the HTML file and ensure that the pyodide.js script is accessible from the provided URL.

In this example, we include the Pyodide library using a CDN. The JavaScript code is executed once the Pyodide library is loaded. We then run the Python code using the pyodide.runPython function and retrieve the output using the pyodide.globals.get method. Finally, we update the HTML content to display the output.

Please note that using WebAssembly and Pyodide to execute Python in the browser has some limitations and may not support all Python modules or features. Additionally, the setup can be more involved and requires additional configurations when working with complex Python code.