There are several options for creating and managing virtual environments in Linux for running Flask applications. Virtual environments allow you to isolate the dependencies and Python packages for each project, avoiding conflicts between different projects. Here are some popular options:

Virtualenv is a widely used tool to create isolated Python environments. It's not specific to Flask but works well for any Python project.


To install virtualenv:

pip install virtualenv


To create a virtual environment:

virtualenv venv


To activate the virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

To deactivate the virtual environment:



venv is a built-in Python module that serves the same purpose as virtualenv, but it comes with Python by default.


To create a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv


To activate the virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate


To deactivate the virtual environment:



Conda is a cross-platform package manager and environment manager that's particularly useful for scientific computing and data science projects. It can handle Python packages as well as non-Python libraries.

To install Conda, you can download and install Miniconda or Anaconda from the official website.


To create a Conda environment:

conda create --name myenv python=3.8


To activate the Conda environment:

conda activate myenv


To deactivate the Conda environment:

conda deactivate

Remember that these are just a few options, and the choice depends on your preference and project requirements. For a Flask application, you would typically create a virtual environment, install Flask and other necessary dependencies within that environment, and then run your Flask app.